A printed circuit board composed of several layers
A multilayer is made up of multiple layers that are laminated together to form a printed circuit board. The outer layersof a multilayer are usually single-sided PCBs, whereas the inner layers are double-sided materials. Insulating layers, so-called prepregs,are inserted between the conductive layers. Up to four layers can be through-hole plated in a chemical-free process. For electrical connection of up to eight layers through-hole electroplating is recommended.
Systems for Multilayer Production
8-Layer Multilayer in Your Own Lab – LPKF MultiPress S4 (pdf - 271 KB)
LPKF MultiPress S4 (pdf - 146 KB)
LPKF Multilayer Technology for the Laboratory (pdf - 459 KB)
Rapid PCB Prototyping Product Catalog (pdf - 3 MB)
LPKF TechGuide Rapid PCB Prototyping (pdf - 3 MB)