Sustainability lies in LPKF's roots
LPKF understands sustainability to mean acting responsibly to achieve and promote lasting economic success as well as ecological and social progress.
Non-financial Report
Figures, data, facts
Sustainable Development Goals
In September 2021, LPKF signed the UN Global Compact and thus joined the global initiative for sustainable and responsible corporate governance. Along with this, LPKF supports the targeted achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
We are convinced that the SDGs accelerate sustainable progress and contribute to their fulfillment in many areas with our corporate goals and guidelines. By regularly reviewing our goals and material issues, we aim to ensure corporate development in line with the SDGs.
To sharpen our focus, we have prioritized the goals and focus on the four SDGs outlined below. With our corporate strategy and our products, we are already making a major contribution to achieving them.
This does not necessarily mean that all other SDGs have no relevance for LPKF. We already see ourselves as well positioned in many points and support them. However, some goals are not actively pursued due to the low potential for influence.