As part of various communities, we bear responsibility for our employees and the people around us.

We get involved by making donations and supporting various projects at the company's different sites. Our focus here is on projects in the areas of education, the environment and social issues. We attach great importance to the active involvement of our employees. For example, on the initiative of individual employees, we pack Christmas parcels for children in need every year.  

Annica Lau, Human Resources, is committed to the implementation of various community projects at LPKF

We attach great importance to supporting young people in science and education.

We offer a wide range of internships to schoolchildren, students and retrainees. We support students in carrying out practice-related bachelor's and master's theses by providing a diverse repertoire of topics, the necessary resources and appropriate subject experts. In addition, we support scholarship holders from Leibniz Universität Hannover and Georg-August-Universität Göttingen in the fields of physics, nanotechnology, electrical engineering and computer science. 

Compliance organisation 

As a globally active company, LPKF has a responsibility to its customers, employees, shareholders and the public. This social responsibility includes LPKF requiring all employees to comply with applicable laws at all times and in all places, to respect fundamental ethical values and to act sustainably. 

We have built up a compliance organization and established it at all locations.