LPKFは、テクノロジー業界にレーザーを使用したソリューションを提供するリーディング企業です。 当社のレーザーシステムは、プリント基板加工、マイクロチップ、自動車部品、ソーラーモジュール、およびその他多くの電子部品の製造における重要な要素です。
LPKFは、レーザーテクノロジーおよびイノベーションのリーダーとして40年の経験と実績があります。 今後は、デジタルの世界でレーザー技術の可能性を最大限に引き出すことを目指しています。
LPKF Laser & Electronics AGは、ドイツのハノーファー近郊のガーブセンに本社を置き、ヨーロッパ、アジア、アメリカにも拠点を設けています。私たちのグローバルサービスネットワークは、LPKFの装置の24時間体制でのサポートにご対応できるようにしています。
LPKF Laser&Electronics AGの株式は、ドイツ証券取引所のSDAXおよびTecDAXに上場されています。
LPKF Laser & Electronics SE Garbsen/Germany | |
Production subsidiaries | Sales and Service companies |
LPKF WeldingQuipment GmbH Fürth/Germany (100 %) | LPKF Distribution Inc. Tualatin (Portland)/US (100%) |
LPKF SolarQuipment GmbH Suhl/Germany (100%) | LPKF Shanghai Co., Ltd. Shanghai/China (100%) |
LPKF Laser & Electronics d.o.o. Naklo/Slovenia (100%) | LPKF (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. Shanghai, Tianjin, Suzhou, Shenzhen/China (100%) |
LPKF (Shanghai) Trading Co., Ltd. Shanghai/China (100%) | |
LPKF Laser & Electronics K.K. Tokyo/Japan (100%) | |
LPKF Laser & Electronics Korea Ltd. Seoul/Korea (100%) | |
LPKF Laser & Electronics Vietnam Co., Ltd. Bac Ninh/Vietnam (100%) | |
Stand 05/2022 |
LPKF Laser&Electronics株式会社について
会社名 LPKF Laser&Electronics株式会社
設立 2010年7月
所在地 〒273-0012 千葉県船橋市浜町2-1-1 ららぽーと三井ビルディング8F
資本金 9500万円
電話番号 047-432-5100
代表取締役 平野 徹
URL https://www.lpkf.com/jp
日本支社はドイツ本社LPKF Laser & Electronics SE の 100 % 出資子会社として 2010 年に設立されました。レーザーテクノロジーを柱に、PCB 基板製造装置やマイクロエレクトロニクス開発装置及び生産装置の設計/製造/販売をしています。また、特許取得した革新的な技術 (MID、LIDEなど) の提供もプライオリティーの高いミッションとして取り組んでおります。日本オフィスには常時、加工機等の装置を展示し、ご要望によりサンプル加工やデモも行っておりますのでお気軽にお問合せください。
LPKF's mission statement: Success is Teamwork
1. We work for the success of our customers.
Benefiting our customers is the focus of our work. All our activities and decisions are aimed at improving the competitiveness of our customers through technological advancement and cost savings.
2. We utilize success to sustainably strengthen LPKF.
A successful enterprise is in the interest of customers, business partners, employees, and shareholders. Our particular focus is therefore on strengthening the company’s innovative resources and profitability to lay the foundations for sustained, long-term growth.
3. We focus on leading positions in technology.
LPKF is a technology group. We shape the technological progress and gain leading market positions through the strength of our superior solutions. We concentrate our efforts on products with the potential to become the number one or number two in market position.
4. We work internationally and partnership-based.
A sense of professional partnership characterizes our relationships: with customers, suppliers and distributors as well as with companies and individual employees within the LPKF group. As part of an internationally active group, we strive for understanding and cooperation between various cultures and philosophies, and always place our common interests at the forefront of international relations.
5. We deliver quality.
The high quality of our products is the key to customer satisfaction. All employees shoulder responsibility for the quality of the work we do for our customers. LPKF promotes the professional qualifications of its employees to sustain the high quality of LPKF products.
6. We do our share to protect the environment.
With laser-based technology we help to reduce waste. It is our policy to continue on the path of environmental awareness with our eco-friendly product design and sustainable business practices.
7. We are concerned about the health and well-being of all of our colleagues
Health and well-being are the foundation for success. This is why staying healthy and ensuring workplace safety are high priorities for us.
8. We continually strive for improvement.
We are never satisfied with the status quo. Instead, we constantly aim to optimize our products and the processes required for their development and production. It goes without saying that our corporate culture is open and encourages learning and constructive criticism.
9. We take corporate social responsibility very seriously.
Our responsibility extends to our customers, employees, business partners, shareholders and the public. Being a good corporate citizen includes obeying applicable laws at all times and everywhere, respecting ethical principles and pursuing sustainability. The LPKF Compliance Code supports us in this endeavor.