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hvala za obisk naše spletne strani. Tu zagotavljamo nekaj specifičnih informacij za LPKF d.o.o., Naklo, kot so informacije za dobavitelje, ravnanje z osebnimi podatki in osnovni kontakti. Za vse ostalo preskočite na korporativne strani.

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Thank you for your visit on our website. Here you can find some specific information for LPKF d.o.o., Naklo, like information for suppliers, data protection and basic contact details. For more, please visit our corporate site.


Zaključek projekta

Podjetje LPKF Laser & Electronics d.o.o. je s še štirimi drugimi partnerji (Netica d.o.o., Robotina d.o.o., Rettro d.o.o. in Amitas d.o.o.) sodelovalo na razpisu JR DIGIT NOO s projektom “LPKF pametna tovarna na podlagi celovite digitalne procesne odličnosti, samoučečega predikativnega vzdrževanja in odprtega inovinarja s kupci”. Razpis je bil objavljen s strani Ministrstva za gospodarstvo, turizem in šport, finančna sredstva pa so bila zagotovljena s strani Evropske unije iz Sklada za okrevanje in odpornost (Sklad NOO).
Projekt je bil sestavljen iz več manjših projektov, ki so se nanašali na različne poslovne funkcije in oddelke v podjetju. Poročilo po posameznih projektih se nahaja tukaj.
Skupna vrednost projekta je znašala 2.959.682,32 EUR. Od tega zneska je bilo načrtovanega javnega sofinanciranja za 1.240.986,77 EUR. Preostanek so predstavljala lastna sredstva.

End of project

The company LPKF Laser & Electronics d.o.o. together with four other partners (Netica d.o.o., Robotina d.o.o., Rettro d.o.o. and Amitas d.o.o.) participated in the JR DIGIT NOO tender with the project "LPKF smart factory based on comprehensive digital process excellence, self-learning predicative maintenance and open innovation with customers". The tender was published by the Ministry of Economy, Tourism and Sport, and financial resources were provided by the European Union from the Recovery and Resilience Fund (NOO Fund). 
The project consisted of several smaller projects that related to different business functions and departments in the company. The report by individual projects in Slovenian language can be found here
The total value of the project was EUR 2,959,682.32. Of this amount, public co-financing was planned for EUR 1,240,986.77. The rest was made up of own funds.


Raziskovalni program GREENTECH je pridobil financiranje na Javnem razpisu za sofinanciranje dolgoročnejših velikih raziskovalno-inovacijskih sodelovalnih programov na lestvici TRL 3-6 v okviru Načrta za okrevanje in odpornost.
Program GREENTECH združuje najboljše znanstvene kompetence z najboljšimi industrijskimi partnerji z namenom pomoči slovenskim podjetjem pri zelenem prehodu na dveh nivojih: proizvodnega procesa in izdelkov. GREENTECH je raziskovalni program, ki bo omogočil medsebojno povezanost revolucionarnih rešitev v celotni vrednostni verigi razvojno-proizvodnega procesa – od rešitev za raziskave in razvoj, tehnoloških rešitev v proizvodnji, do rešitev za energetsko varčne naprave, ki temeljijo na materialih iz EU. Raziskovalni program bo najprej vplival na zeleni prehod v Sloveniji, nato pa bo vpliv širil na področje Evropske unije in planeta kot celote. 

Ocenjujemo, da bo raziskovalni program v desetih letih popolne implementacije rešitev na trg Evropske unije prek prihrankov v proizvodnem procesu in prek bolj zelenih izdelkov prispeval k zmanjšanju emisije CO2 za več kot 17 milijonov ton, k zmanjšanju porabe energije za skoraj devet milijard kWh in k zmanjšanju porabe materiala za približno 800 tisoč ton.

V konzorciju sodelujemo podjetja Gorenje, d.o.o., Fotona, d.o.o., Domel, d.o.o., LPKF, d.o.o., Yaskawa Slovenija d.o.o., Danfoss Trata, d.o.o., Kronoterm, d.o.o. in Medius, d.o.o. ter raziskovalne organizacije Fakulteta za družbene vede (UL) in Fakulteta za management (UP). Vodilni partner projekta je Fakulteta za strojništvo (UL). Izvajanje programa je predvideno od 1. 1. 2024 do 30. 6. 2026. 

Obseg raziskovalnega programa je 5.2 milijona €, pri čemer je sofinanciran v obsegu 3.75 milijona €. Naložba je del ukrepov NOO, več o načrtu na:

Financira Evropska unija – NextGenerationEU.


The GREENTECH research program obtained funding through the Public Tender for the co-financing of longer-term large research-innovation collaborative programs on the TRL 3-6 scale within the framework of the Recovery and Resilience Plan. 

The GREENTECH program combines the best scientific competences with the best industrial partners to assist Slovenian companies in the green transition on two levels: the production process and the products. GREENTECH is a research program that will enable the interconnection of revolutionary solutions in the entire value chain of the development and production process - from solutions for research and development, technological solutions in production, to solutions for energy-saving devices based on materials from the EU. The research program will first affect the green transition in Slovenia, then expand its influence  to the European Union and the planet as a whole.

We estimate that the research program, in ten years of full implementation of the solutions in the EU market, will contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions by over 17 million tons, reduce energy consumption by nearly 9 billion kWh, and reduce material consumption by approximately 800 thousand tons through savings in the manufacturing process and greener products. 

The consortium includes the companies Gorenje, d.o.o., Fotona, d.o.o., Domel, d.o.o., LPKF, d.o.o., Yaskawa Slovenija d.o.o., Danfoss Trata, d.o.o., Kronoterm, d.o.o. and Medius, d.o.o. along with the research organizations Faculty of Social Sciences (UL) and Faculty of Management (UP). The leading partner of the project is the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (UL). The implementation of the program is planned from 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2026.

The scope of the research program is 5.2 million €, with 3.75 million € being co-financed. The investment is part of NOO measures, learn more about the plan at:

Funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU.

LPKF Slovenija
LPKF Headquarters
LPKF Laser & Electronics d.o.o. 
LPKF Laser & Electronics d.o.o.
Polica 33
SI-4202 Naklo
Fon: +386 (0) 592 08-800
Fax: +386 (0) 592 08-820
LPKF Laser & Electronics SE 
LPKF Laser & Electronics SE
Osteriede 7
D-30827 Garbsen
Fon: +49 (0) 5131 7095-0
Fax: +49 (0) 5131 7095-90

 Prodaja in podpora opreme za hitro prototipiranje v Sloveniji

Amtest d.o.o., tel.: +385-1-390 85 00, spletna stran

Za vse druge regije:

 Prodaja in podpora za ostale izdelke skupine LPKF

Poiščite stik (informacije v angleščini)

 Sales and support for rapid prototyping for Slovenia

Amtest d.o.o., tel.: +385-1-390 85 00

For all other regions:

 Sales and support for other products from LPKF group

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Več informacij o pogoji poslovanja (angleščina):

Terms & Conditions of Purchasing

ISO 9001:2015 - 45001:2018 Certifikat (slovenščina) (pdf - 412 KB)

Več informacij o upravljanje kakovosti (angleščina):

Quality Management

Obvestilo posameznikom po 13. členu GDPR (slovenščina) (pdf - 182 KB)
General Terms & Conditions of Purchasing LPKF d.o.o. (Slovenian) (pdf - 187 KB)

More information on terms & conditions (English)

Terms & Conditions of Purchasing

ISO 9001:2015 - ISO 45001:2018 Certificate (English) (pdf - 376 KB)

More information on quality management (English)

Quality Management

Privacy notice to individuals regarding article 13 GDPR (English) (pdf - 132 KB)

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