Dr. Dirk Rothweiler

Member and Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board of LPKF Laser & Electronics SE

Personal information

Year of birth1963
First order2017, Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board since 2019 
Ordered until:2026

Current Position

Independent management consultant 

Member of committees of the Supervisory Board 

  • Strategy Committee (Chairman) 

  • Remuneration and Nomination Committee 

Professional career

Since 2021Independent management consultant, Weimar
2017 - 2020Chairman of the Management Board of First Sensor AG , Berlin 
2008 – 2016Executive Vice President Optical Systems and member of the Executive Management Board of JENOPTIK AG, Jena 
2005 – 2007Vice President Sales & Service, TCZ LLC, San Diego, CA, USA 
2002 – 2005Representative Director, SUSS MicroTec Japan KK, Yokohama, Japan
2000 – 2005Managing Director Asia Pacific (ex Japan), SUSS MicroTec Co Ltd, Bangkok, 
1999 – 2000Director Sales & Marketing, SUSS MicroTec AG, Munich
1995 – 1998Project Manager in the Semiconductor Technology Division, CARL ZEISS AG, Oberkochen 
1991 – 1994Project Manager, Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology, Aachen,   
and Institute for Laser Technology, Aachen University of Technology 


1995Studies at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, RWTH Aachen, degree: doctorate  
1984 – 1990Study of physics, RWTH Aachen, degree: Diplom-Physiker

Special qualifications as part of the skills profile or skills matrix 

  • Laser technology  
    Substantial innovation experience and technological expertise in the fields of photonic and optoelectronic systems and processes, laser material processing, semiconductor and electronics manufacturing as well as sensor technology and machine vision (First Sensor AG, JENOPTIK AG, TCZ LLC, SÜSS MicroTec AG/Co Ltd/Japan KK, CARL ZEISS AG, Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology, Chair of Laser Technology at RWTH Aachen University) 

  • Electronics market/semiconductor market 
    Profound capital market and industry experience. This includes special knowledge in the semiconductor technology, healthcare and life sciences, automotive, industrial and aerospace technology sectors (First Sensor AG, JENOPTIK AG, TCZ LLC, SUSS MicroTec AG/Co Ltd./Japan KK, CARL ZEISS AG). 

  • Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)  
    Experience and knowledge in the area of environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) (Chairman of the Management Board of First Sensor AG, Executive Vice President and member of the Executive Management Board of JENOPTIK AG) 

  • Business administration, financing & investment 
    Extensive management experience from various listed technology companies including experience in the areas of financing and investment (First Sensor AG, JENOPTIK AG, TCZ LLC, SUSS MicroTec Co Ltd., CARL ZEISS AG) 

  • Personnel/remuneration  
    Expertise in the areas of personnel and remuneration (Chairman of the Management Board of First Sensor AG, Executive Vice President and member of the Executive Management Board of JENOPTIK AG, SUSS MicroTec Co Ltd./Japan KK). 

  • Accounting expertise  
    Accounting expertise within the meaning of Section 100 (5) AktG (Chairman of the Management Board of First Sensor AG, Executive Vice President and member of the Executive Management Board of JENOPTIK AG, SUSS MicroTec Co Ltd./Japan KK) 

Membership of other statutory supervisory boards 


Membership of comparable domestic and foreign supervisory bodies of commercial enterprises 


Significant activities in addition to the aforementioned mandates and the Supervisory Board mandate 



Status: February 2024 


LPKF Laser & Electronics SE 
LPKF Laser & Electronics SE
Osteriede 7
D-30827 Garbsen
Fon: +49 (0) 5131 7095-0
Fax: +49 (0) 5131 7095-90