LPKF Vitrion S 5000

High-performance system for the semiconductor industry

  • Clean room production
  • Integrated wafer handling
  • Integration into Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES)
LPKF Vitrion S 5000

LIDE Production System for the Semiconductor Industry

Available wafer formats: 100 mm/150 mm, 200 mm/300 mm

The Vitrion S 5000 system is the production system solution for today's and future packaging and semiconductor applications with the LIDE process. The high-performance laser system processes glass wafers with unparalleled precision and speed and without causing any defects in the glass: Perfect quality for the production of through glass vias, for embedding solutions, capping wafers and advanced packaging solutions.

Key specifications at a glance

  • Glass wafer thickness: 0.3 to 3 mm
  • Bridge tool: 150/200 mm wafer or 200/300 mm wafer
  • EFEM: Two standard FOUPs
  • Compatible with flat/notch wafers
  • SECS/GEM for simple integration and configuration
  • SEMI E84
  • System dimensions (W x H x D): 1800 x 2200 x 3000 mm

Consulting and full-service support

Customers can rely on the LIDE expert and support team to accelerate the development of new solutions and shorten time-to-market.

Under the Vitrion brand, a full-service provider is available for all aspects of LPKF's LIDE technology. The team has an eye on the market dynamics and supports you in every phase of your LIDE-based innovation. For more information on LIDE technology and application examples, please visit www.vitrion.com.

Please feel free to contact us at any time. We look forward to your questions.



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